(Oleh: Nathalian H.P.D.P)
Yosim Pancar, or which is often also referred as Yospan is a performing art coming from people of Papua. The name of Yosim Pancar taken away from two dance motion manner which there are in this artistry, that is motion of Yosim and Pancar. Yosim Pancar have two main elements, that are music and dance. The music ansamble consist of gitar, ukulele, tifa, and bass. This ansamble bouncing bardic songs in indonesian language and also songs in language of various genuiness of Papua. Its dance motion manner even also come from various ethnic in Papua. For example, Yosim coming from ethnic of Sarmi, and Pancar coming from ethnic of Biak. With elements coming from various ethnic of Papua, Yosim Pancar become a symbol of diversity people of Papua.
Cultural picking, including art, not such a static matter, but always expand as according to its owner society. Yosim Pancar as a genre of Papua performing art, in its continuity experience of various growth, internal growth and also eksternal growth. Internal growth is in music instruments, songs, dance motion dan floor pattern; while growth of eksternal that is growth of usage context and growth of function. Yosim Pancar till now still popular in Papua.
Even nowdays Yosim Pancar have been recognized till out of Papua.
Even nowdays Yosim Pancar have been recognized till out of Papua.
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